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Medical | Antiemetic Therapy (US$143.50)

Antiemetic Therapy (US$143.50)
Stationary Office | Pages:234 | 2003-05 | ISBN / ASIN:3805575475 | 3 MB

Book Description:

Prevention and treatment of nausea and emesis are very important issues for the patient’s well-being under different clinical as well as outpatient situations. This multidisciplinary book on this topic should bridge the gap between basic research and clinical practice, and we hope that many scientists will be able to benefit from it. In this context I am very grateful to everybody who was involved in the preparation and completion of this book.

Various and partly still unresolved pathomechanisms play roles in nausea and emesis in humans, and appropriate animal models are not always available for preclinical research on antiemetic drugs. Therefore, only the results from studies in the clinical setting can decide a new compound’s utility. Basically, we have a rather small number of drugs in the established treatment regimens, however some new interesting compounds are being studied in clinical trials.


1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this ebook collection